One-On-One Coaching

Great coaching drives employees to make pronounced and lasting changes. It expands perspectives, unlocks potential, and introduces new, productive behaviors into everyday work.

We coach high-potential employees and your most senior leaders – accelerating their growth, expanding perspectives, creating efficiencies, and leading to better outcomes and improved performance.

Our success in spurring progress comes from a willingness to dig in and understand individual’s issues and motivations, and then explore the options, approaches, and actions that help them embrace meaningful change.

Our work can target a wide variety of developmental areas, including:

  • Driving one’s own growth and development; embracing new actions and behaviors
  • Engaging and leading teams more effectively
  • Improving decision making and handling competing priorities
  • Communicating more effectively to key influencers and stakeholders 
  • Expanding emotional intelligence and building reputation
  • Eliminating fears and resistance; acclimating faster to change
  • Building stronger relationships and elevating influence in the organization 
  • Handling conflicts productively and proactively 
  • Building business acumen and using a strategic lens 
  • Managing energy and maintaining balance 
  • Actively experimenting with new approaches and tools

We take a practical, principled, and proven approach to one-on-one coaching. Our work ensures:


The person being coached is responsible for progress. The coach is a catalyst, while ownership resides with the leader.


We are thoughtful with our words yet avoid “hedging” our language. This is guaranteed to be both supportive and hard-hitting.


Coaching requires 100% commitment to learning, growth and change. Bumps in the road are fine as long as progress is being made.


This process is focused on forward momentum. Often via many small steps; sometimes in large leaps – all with the goal of considerable and targeted development.

A Process That Works

Having supported hundreds of managers and executives in one-on-one coaching situations, we know there is no single formula for this type of work – as each person responds to different inputs and approaches. There are some fundamental components that are part of our work, including:

Gathering Input

We meet with bosses and colleagues of the person being coached to get insights on development areas and desired outcomes. We also meet with the leader to get their input on what’s working, what’s not, and what they’d like to get out of the coaching. This blended input helps us put together an effective go-forward plan.

Leveraging Assessments

We may deploy other methods to seek additional insights, including assessments that identify preferences, drivers, and communication style. In many engagements, we use our 360 Interview Process to gather more in-depth perspectives and examples from a larger cross-section of stakeholders.

Regularly Scheduled Coaching Sessions

We meet regularly to provide coaching and skill development training as the leader works through real-time decisions and situations. Each session culminates with setting specific goals and committing to actions, including exploring new approaches.

Mid-Point and Wrap Up

Throughout the coaching engagement, we seek input from key stakeholders to get a reality check and identify progress, efforts and improvements and to determine what areas require additional focus.

Our coaches are deeply experienced, capable, and focused on helping individual leaders adjust to ever-increasing organizational and business demands. Our coaches are vested in helping your people to be successful. We’re flexible, passionate, encouraging, direct, and skilled. We’re also a lot of fun.

All of our programs can be customized to meet your specific needs.

If your organization could benefit from accelerated positive change and improved performance, contact us today.

Contact Us

All of our programs can be customized to meet your specific needs.

If your organization could benefit from accelerated positive change and improved performance, contact us today.

Contact Us

All of our programs can be customized to meet your specific needs.

If your organization could benefit from accelerated positive change and improved performance, contact us today.

Contact Us